SEO Services
for Dietitians

Top-Rated SEO Services for Dietitians

Need a digital marketing agency who is an expert in local SEO for dietitians? We can help!

Searching online is one the most common ways people find a dietitian in their area. SEO (search engine optimization) can help position your company website to rank highly on Google and be in the right place at the right time. At Lure Creative, we specialize in healthcare SEO, and we proudly help health providers with their website SEO to help them gain new patients and grow their business. As dietitian provider, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that few leads in your industry come from digital or online activity, but in a 2018 survey by, approximately 80% of respondents said they have used the internet to make a healthcare-related search in the past year.

Interestingly enough, it isn’t just the younger generation turning to the internet for healthcare services. 76% of respondents over the age of 60 have made a healthcare-related search online in the past year. The point is that if 80% of people are searching for healthcare services online, SEO should be a critical piece of your marketing plan. If it’s not, you are missing a huge opportunity to grow your business.

Get more leads to your dietitian practice with the SEO experts at Lure Creative.

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Get More Leads with Search Engine Optimization for Dietitians

With so many people searching for healthcare online, there is a huge opportunity to capture those searchers with search engine optimization. Higher search engine rankings for relevant keywords leads to more organic traffic to your website, which leads to more patients for your business. Choosing the right keywords to target is the secret. That’s where having dietitian marketing experts like Lure Creative on your side can help. We have the SEO expertise to optimize your local website for the most profitable keywords.

What Factors Matter in a Winning SEO Strategy for Dietitians?

With over 200+ factors in Google’s current search engine algorithm (and major algorithm updates happening multiple times per year), it can be hard to know what to focus on regarding the search engine optimization of your website. You need someone with the knowledge of SEO for wholistic health providers and medical professionals specifically to be able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and make them work. As a full-service healthcare marketing agency, we know what it takes. There are many factors that are required to make your website rank higher on the SERPs (search engine results page).

Here are some of the most important SEO factors for wholistic health serivces:

Quality Written Content & Media

Google definitely rewards good content within a website. Ultimately, their goal is to please the searcher, and good content that answers the searchers’ questions is critical. In-depth written content, unique images, relevant video embeds, and easy-to-understand formatting are all good signals to Google when evaluating a piece of content online. The User Experience (also known as UX) is very important in Google’s eyes.

On-Site Optimization

Going hand-in-hand with having quality content on your website, on-site optimization is a must as well. Google looks at your site for clues as to what the subject is and what words you are trying to rank for. Good on-site SEO means making sure your headings, internal links, page structure, meta titles and meta descriptions are all optimized for a target keyword. Think of it as leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the search engines to follow. If you know where they’re looking, you can help them follow the right path.

Link Building Efforts

Links from other websites are important to the search engines as well. E-A-T is one factor that Google uses to evaluate the overall quality of a web page. E-A-T stands for education, authority, and trustworthiness. Google essentially sees links from high quality websites that are going to your website as a “vote of confidence” that boosts your website’s authority and credibility to Google, thus ranking you higher. We focus on building these kinds of locally-relevant or industry-relevant links to your website from established and authoritative sources. There are some sketchy link-building tactics, often referred to as “black hat tactics”, that can often get you a penalty from Google, so you must find a trusted marketing firm that knows the ins and outs of SEO for dietitians.

Technical SEO

There are factors and settings within your website’s code that can be optimized to help Google properly index, categorize, and encourage it to rank within relevant search results for alternative health providers. Because Google makes the user experience a priority, your website must also load quickly, have no broken internal or external links, broken images, etc., because all of those things could negatively impact the user experience. A poor user experience will hurt your rankings. With smart phones being ubiquitous, it is a must that your website is mobile-responsive. More than half of all visitors will be seeing it on a mobile screen. It should be designed with a mobile-first mindset. These are the types of internal design and website factors that a full-service marketing firm with experience in SEO for dietitians will prioritize.

Our Digital Marketing Services

We combine marketing strategy, execution, and analytics to bring prospective clients to you.


We work with you to build marketing strategy customized to your business by creating a winning plan to get leads.


Our team of designers and content specialists will help you “Be Known” to your clients.


Use the right tools to get the job done. Build your website on WordPress, the most trusted CMS platform in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

It is very difficult and time-consuming for small business owner to know the best acunpuncture SEO strategies to use. You’re busy running your clinic and business! SEO can be a complicated marketing tool that usually takes years to master (if it can even ever truly be mastered). And just about the time SEO experts think they have it figured out, Google changes its algorithm…again. Because of its technical nature, we hear a lot of questions from business owners about it. Here are some of the most common along with our answers:

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