Branding Is about Building Trust. Marketing Is about Building Sales.

Marketing is complicated. There are a lot of moving parts. Sometimes, we wish we could just be blunt with the doctors and healthcare company owners we are trying to help and tell them the cold, hard truth without sounding like rude, demeaning, know-it-alls. So, in an effort to enlighten and not frighten, we give you our new blog series “You’ve Been Schooled!”. We hope it will help healthcare business owners understand marketing a little better and make better decisions with their marketing dollars. Today’s topic is branding and our expert is Kelsey Huber.

If I could vent about (ahem…educate) healthcare providers about branding, I would tell them this: 

Branding is about building trust. Marketing is about building sales.

“Building your healthcare brand is much more than creating a logo, choosing your corporate colors, and attaching a clever tagline. Branding is about building trust. It’s about giving your practice, medical group, or hospital a personality and making it stand out from the competition, which is essentially identical in the consumer’s eyes. A brand is basically creating a place in the corner of someone’s mind that says, “I like them”. This can be based on one or many reasons, but it is very valuable real estate. Be true to your brand and you build loyalty. But never forget, it’s all based on trust. Be true to who you say you are. Deliver on the promises you make about your products or services, and you can rely on the brand you create to deliver more than any sales pitch can.”

Kelsey Huber – Director of Content Strategy

And there you have it. Your brand sets you apart from your competition and secures a place in your customers’ minds. Never try to sell with your brand or build your brand with your sales. You won’t build trust or differentiate yourself.

Dr. Mark Eting Healthcare Marketing Doctor

If you need help branding, designing a website, or creating an SEO strategy for your healthcare company, contact Lure Creative and we will be happy to share our insight and expertise (but not in a bossy, condescending way) to help your business Get Found and Be Known.